7 Big Advantages Of Microlearning

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7 Big Advantages Of Microlearning

14 Dec 2022 Admin 0 Leadership

Gone are the days when people loved to read novels having 4000 plus pages, epics, and storybooks. If we speak about the present scenario the average attention span of a human has dramatically fallen and it might be lesser than even an infant’s. Astounding isn’t it? But regrettably, it’s true as per the following data: According to a recent study, the average attention span of a human has fallen from 12 seconds in the year 2000 to as low as eight seconds at present.

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What remained unaltered is the significance of workplace learning. A learning culture in the workplace may boost an organization's competitiveness, innovation, and adaptability. But how can employees retain information with such blink-and-miss attention spans? This is when microlearning comes into play.

Over the last decade, learning and development executives have largely depended on microlearning to provide their employees with the information and skills they require to do their tasks. Let’s provide you with some more information on microlearning and its benefits.

Microlearning: A Brief Overview

Microlearning is a new trend in the learning industry. It caters to learners who are looking for quick, small, and on-demand learning sessions. They need to be able to take their lessons anywhere they go, whenever they want.

It is not a new concept but it has been getting more attention recently because of its potential benefits. One of the most notable advantages of microlearning is its ability to improve retention rates as well as reduce boredom during longer training sessions, for example, a long Leadership Training session will fail to help their attendees to retain what they taught.

Microlearning, as the name indicates, is genuine learning presented in bite-sized bits that may be finished in a matter of minutes. Microlearning modules are an excellent approach to providing a targeted solution to a specific problem or inquiry. Microlearning may be built from any sort of internet content, including video courses, audio podcasts, presentations, situations, and tests.

Microlearning is often mobile-friendly, meaning it may be accessed from any gadget. Learners and even people in Leadership and Management roles appreciate microlearning because it provides instant access to critical skills and information. Organizations that do not employ microlearning miss out on the opportunity to create the type of fast-paced, engaging information that their learners desire. Yet not convinced if this is the right fit for you? In this post, we'll look at seven microlearning benefits to demonstrate how little learning bursts may yield big effects.

7 Major Advantages Of Microlearning

1. Microlearning Helps To Retain Knowledge

You've definitely heard of The Forgetting Curve, a notion popularized in the late 1800s by German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus. If not, it's rather straightforward. People tend to forget. The longer time that goes after we learn anything, the more difficult it becomes to retain it if not frequently recollected.

According to research, combining microlearning with knowledge reinforcing can significantly enhance retention. Microlearning lowers mental stress and relieves the burden of memorizing and comprehending vast quantities of information at a time.

2. Microlearning Boosts The Morale Of Learners

Microlearning captivates learners with tailored, filler-free content that is more strongly related to specific results and learning goals as compared to regular eLearning courses. As a consequence, students are more confident in their studies and more driven to engage. Amid a demanding workday, it is also quite seamless for individuals to concentrate for shorter durations of time.

Moreover, when microlearning is combined with gamification, engagement skyrockets.

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3. Microlearning Facilitates Continuous Reinforcement Of Knowledge

Microlearning is simple to absorb while working. Employees can get exactly what they require and that too at the right time or the time when they need it to solve problems and expand their knowledge. It can be in the form of a video, a series of questions, or task assistance.

This strategy is beneficial because it swiftly solves knowledge gaps for everyone, regardless of how long they've been on the job. Unlike traditional learning methods, information may be personalized to the individual more simply.

4. Microlearning Removes Time And Productivity Constraints

Corporate training is frequently conducted on company time, which can have a negative influence on productivity. You may minimize disturbance to important workplace activities by restricting the learning experience to 5 or 10 minutes each day using microlearning. The employee arrives at work, fulfills their 5-minute lesson, and then begins their work.

5. Everyone Can Learn As Per Their Own Convenience Using Microlearning

Some people process information faster than others, which is why standard training methods produce such inconsistency. How do you get everyone on the same page if everyone learns on their own sweet terms?

Microlearning is intended so that each student may take their time and work at their own speed without the concern of lagging behind or feeling overwhelmed by knowledge.

6. Microlearning Enables More Exact Reporting

A Learning Management System with built-in microlearning will collect more data as compared to conventional learning tools.

Microlearning technologies may detect individual skills and knowledge gaps and follow each learner's evolution over time, whereas traditional workplace learning tools just provide course completions and scores. You may assess if a certain learning objective is being met, obtain a clear image of your participation patterns, and uncover prevalent gaps in knowledge.

7. Microlearning Enables Faster Deployment

Creating microlearning content necessitates a lot of hard work, but it has many benefits over regular courses. Since microlearning concentrates on particular topics provided in tiny parts, you can get material into people's hands faster. You may develop a series of microlearning modules to get individuals going on their journey of learning before the entire program is complete. Then, as individuals advance and new assets are completed, continue to add to your collection.

Final Thoughts

If your current Learning Management System does not support microlearning, it is time to modernize. The advantages of microlearning are numerous. Always keep in mind that not all microlearning solutions are the same. You will need a tool that uses gamification, AI, mobile learning features, and social features to get the most out of it and establish a strong corporate learning culture. So better get going and take a step forward to give rise to a highly-skilled, knowledgeable workforce.

A robust and highly skilled team is the dream of every organization. Join our Leadership Development Program to convert your dream into reality. Get in touch with us for more details.

BY: Admin

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