E-Learning Trends In 2023: Enhance Your L&D Strategy For The Hybrid Workplace

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E-Learning Trends In 2023: Enhance Your L&D Strategy For The Hybrid Workplace

03 Jan 2023 Admin 0 Leadership

While 2022 concentrated on improving engagement and training for virtual teams, 2021 was on the progress of virtual learning and development training. Further, it has been clearly indicated that: adopting efficient training techniques for a hybrid workplace will be the emphasis in 2023. But before we begin, let's look at the most important lessons from 2022 and how training changed and improved over the previous two years.

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What Are The Important Factors To Take Into Account When Creating An L&D Strategy For 2023?

In order to assist hybrid workforces as they transition to a more decentralized model, training structures must also change.

When developing a long-term L&D plan, you should take the following important factors into account:

  • Recognizing and incorporating learners' needs
  • Driving learner independence
  • Making space for ongoing learning
  • Incorporating materials from LIFOW (Learning In The Flow Of Work)
  • Preserving relationships and outreach
  • Encouraging group learning
  • Considering innovative and experimental approaches for L&D

E-Learning Trends In 2023 That Will Help Your L&D Strategy

1. Gamification

eLearning has often come across the issue of "engagement difficulty" due to the temporal and geographic disparities between instructors, learners, and the information. These difficulties have grown as hybrid workplaces have progressed more broadly. Mandates for working from home (WFH) have increased the barriers to learning participation by introducing more "learner disconnect" barriers.

When given routine training programs on several vital domains, like Leadership and Management or others in a hybrid workplace, where there are preexisting unrelated disruptions, learners are more likely to get distracted. In order to increase engagement, more L&D professionals are turning to game-based or gamified learning.

Gamification-based strategies may be used to meet a variety of corporate training objectives. You may do the following by implementing a well-designed gamification approach for serious learning via VILT, blended, or entirely self-paced online training:

  • A high level of involvement
  • Higher success rates
  • Greater memory and retention
  • Improved competency via quicker use of newly learned skills in the workplace (practice and advance to mastery)
  • Impact or induce behavioral training

This trend is one that you should consider using in 2023 to improve the engagement of both your entire online training and your VILT/blended training on Leadership Courses or other important subject matters. It has decreased costs, requires less time to build and implement, and has numerous use cases and stories of accomplishments.

Interactive Story-based Learning And Scenario-based Learning

Learner involvement is the most important component of any eLearning program. It might be difficult to get workers interested in eLearning in today's remote, distraction-filled workplace.

An interactive and immersive learning method known as scenario-based learning may be used in a variety of corporate training programs, including those for compliance, soft skills, professional skills, product, sales training, and Leadership Development Program. Students may practice in a secure setting, comprehend the effects of their decisions, and gain knowledge from their errors. To increase the power of retention and build a long-lasting learning experience, it may also be utilized solo or in combination with interactive story-based learning.

You may use scenarios and tales to influence learners' attitudes and raise their awareness of particular concerns. Through scenario-based learning, you may also motivate learners to take the required action. Additionally, they may be utilized to make a hard topic simpler or to turn an abstract idea into something that distance learners can relate to and easily understand.

To engage your distant learners and inspire a shift in thinking, attitude, or behavior in 2023, this trend is worth giving careful consideration.

2. Video-Based Training

Video use has increased phenomenally ever since the pandemic days, and L&D teams are looking for efficient methods to use videos for training. Videos may be used to support the requirement of learning and performance development that empowers learning journeys from a distance. This is possible due to the adaptability of videos:

In 2023, the trend toward increased video use for training will continue. Notably,

  • It would appear that the use of microlearning videos and learning pathways built from public domain resources is on the rise.
  • Additionally, the use of interactive movies, which resemble conventional eLearning courses and offer a high level of engagement through learning interactions and evaluations, will rise. Unlike traditional movies, interactive videos may be tracked through the LMS.
  • Interactivities overlayed over 360-degree videos provide an immersive learning environment and make for a very compelling watch.

In order to provide extremely engaging and captivating learning experiences, this trend will also be essential for your training delivery in 2023.

3. Metaverse, AR, and VR

Immersive learning is training that takes place in a virtual world that has been technologically enhanced, moving learners away from the standard PPTs, images, videos, and audio. Additionally, specific techniques, such as spaced repetition, can be employed to successfully induce behavioral change.

Utilizing solutions that can be seamlessly applied from companies like Adobe and Trivantis as well as specialized AR/VR platforms help lower the cost and lead time for developing these solutions. A number of use cases, for example, microlearning-based nuggets with AR/VR, are also becoming more popular. We will undoubtedly witness a rise in the use of this solution as a result of the advantages of reduced costs and greater effect.

Mixed Reality, now referred to as the metaverse, is the next level. As lockdowns forced more and more individuals to use online spaces for extended durations due to the global virus outbreak, the idea gained traction. People will be able to link the physical world with the virtual world and vice versa. These situations can serve as models for those in which individuals can not only learn about Leadership and Management and several other corporate topics more effectively but also apply what they have learned in training to "real-world" circumstances.

The experience layer of the metaverse is intended to be acted upon via augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) technology devices. In the hybrid workplace, it will alter how employees, employers, and students cooperate and communicate across digital and physical places. You will undoubtedly notice greater prevalence in the upcoming days with these solutions becoming more accessible and can be used to enhance or supplement conventional training in 2023.

Ending Lines

There are several trends that ignite the performance and engagement of learners. You should consider adding those in your training as you solidify your plans for 2023 and start recharging your training delivery to comply with the requirement of the hybrid workplace at present.

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BY: Admin

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