L&D Challenges That Microlearning Can Tackle

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L&D Challenges That Microlearning Can Tackle

17 Dec 2022 Admin 0 Leadership

When it comes to training employees, corporate L&D often goes through its fair share of challenges and issues. Known fact, isn’t it? Let’s put it more clearly. It might be difficult to design, maintain, and track training activities. Long modules need a lot of time to construct. Additionally, before a module may be reissued after it becomes out of date, all required changes must be finished. Because of this, it could be necessary to take the course down for a while, rendering the content inaccessible to workers. But the good news is that nothing exists as such which cannot be resolved with the help of microlearning. Read on to know more.

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Presently, everything appears to be diminishing. The red and black scrawled, prolonged whiteboards led by PPT that used to take place in the past have been reduced to what we now call microlearning. Microlearning that is provided through online training has also grown quite popular in terms of corporate training that is conducted online.

Learning modules designed in the form of small pieces or nugget-sized modules make up microlearning, which is offered to trainees as digital resources through a Learning Management System. Since they are so small and narrowly focused, each microlearning modules focus on one-time learning goals that are performance oriented. Each module typically lasts no longer than a quarter-hour, thus being the ideal way to assess your retention before training and provide assistance on performance even after completion of the training program.

Therefore, in today’s article, we shall attempt to discuss how microlearning provided through training online can effectively address the L&D issues. Hence, without further ado let’s proceed.

Corporate Training Challenges That Microlearning Can Handle

1. Addresses The Forgetting Curve

The main problem that is faced during business training is that employees quickly forget the learning and knowledge that they obtained in training. Evaluations are the only reliable technique to determine how much information learners have succeeded to hold onto after completing a particular course or a lesson. Microlearning, which makes sure that learners retain the majority of the material, is a blessing.

According to Herman Ebbinghaus (a famous psychologist from Germany), learners only remember 20% of their newly acquired knowledge or learning at the week's end after forgetting the majority of it within 24 hours. He referred to it as the forgetting curve, which, as you might expect, greatly reduces the training efficiency.

Microlearning pieces focus on only one, performance-oriented learning goal and are very narrowly focused. This implies that a customized eLearning course, maybe for Leadership Development Training, addressing several learning goals can be divided into a number of manageable and extremely short intervalled (hardly of ten to fifteen minutes) microlearning segments. Additionally, learning gets more retainable and effective and the material is better recalled since these micromodules are so brief and focus on only one goal.

2. Aids In Expediting Employee Training

The incredibly short time it takes to develop and implement training is possibly the largest challenge training managers confront. On-the-job training is becoming more and more common as a result of this. Nevertheless, the ineffective training caused by the time shortage results in undertrained individuals that don’t perform up to the mark.

Microlearning rushes on board and saves it all. If you believed that nugget-like learning pieces were just useful for course summaries and performance assistance, consider the various ways you may modify microlearning lessons in order to make them into OJT (On-the-job training) modules. Even better, tracking trainee progress and obtaining learning statistics are considerably easier when microlearning courses are housed in a Learning Management System.

3. Facilitates Self-paced And Emergency Learning

When a fresh service or item is introduced or some emergency requirement for tech assistance arises, your learners may occasionally need to receive training right away. In these circumstances, conventional training won’t be a sure-shot course of action. Due to the fact that all of the microlearning modules are not more than 15 minutes, makes them the ideal choice for last-minute training.

Learners would be more motivated to merely choose one and finish it whenever they have spare time because short learning modules and singular targets can be easily accomplished as opposed to a prolonged and complete eLearning course or a Leadership Management Course. Additionally, the learners would receive rewards after finishing the module as a result of gamifying eLearning courses, which would increase their dedication and focus toward accomplishment.

4. Increases ROI And Performance

At the end of the day, the management’s primary concern lies in whether their investment in staff training has yielded the expected outcomes or not. However, it’s needless to worry about as microlearning handles it perfectly. It is a misconception that brief modules imply inadequate instruction. Many research works have demonstrated that when information is taken in smaller bits, it is retained more effectively.

A microlearning piece addresses space-time restrictions in addition to being brief, direct, and devoid of filler. Microlearning significantly helps to make your obtained knowledge stick, which enhances employee performance and increases ROI.

It is more sensible to use microlearning modules, which are simpler to create and implement and serve as the ideal learning assistance, rather than spending a fortune on custom eLearning courses. So request microlearning courses from your eLearning provider of yours and get started.

Final Words

Now that you understand the reason microlearning is considered among the top learning strategies for business L&D issues, let's move on. So if you ever face an issue with the training you would immediately know that microlearning is the answer, no matter what it is. However, if those lingering worries still tend to cling to you regarding microlearning, it is recommended to outsource to a reputable and experienced provider who will take your eLearning content to the next level. And you are most certainly not going to regret your choice.

A brief and engaging Leadership Management Course can give rise to effective and potential leaders within your organization. Get in touch with LearNow for more details.
BY: Admin

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